Learning Pentatonic: Minor

As the guitarist dive into a melodius solo in a song, have you wondered how they do it? Well, its the game of scales and basically the pentatonic scale is used by most rock guitarist! So, today I will be talking about the Pentatonic Minor Scale, will talk about the major in the later lesson.

A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes ('Penta' means 5, 'tonic' means tones) per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. The advantage of this scale is that it has small number of notes and thus has a small margin for error when you are playing over a chord progression of the chords that go with the scale!!! Well, there are five shapes of pentatonic scale, but before you learn them consider the following points:
1. Memorize one position (or box) at a time. Nothing to hurry about.
2. Use a metronome. Practice with a slow steady tempo and gradually increase your speed.
3. Practice different patterns, its is the best way to really learn and absorb guitar scales.
4. Create your own licks.
5. Find other musicians and friends to jam with. Or use a looper if you have one.

Now study the following scales:
The 'R' indicates the root note of the scale!

Now some info about the scale:
Quality: Its bluesy sounding scale!!!
Musical Styles: Blues, Rock, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Fusion
Chords: Minor, Minor Sevenths, Dominant Sevenths
Intervals: "Root -b3-4-5-b7-Octave" or "W+H-W-W-W+H-W" (W - Whole Step, H - Half Step) for example the A Minor pentatonic has the notes A - C - D - E - G.

Well, if you have learnt all the five different shapes, now its time for their application. The five scales for a particular 'key' are over lapping, that means each two boxes (scales) has some notes in common and you can move from one shape of the scale to the other through the common notes. See the diagram below as all the five scales are spread over the fretboard!
Hope this helps!

Go to Learning Pentatonic: Major


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